Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Keys to a Better Married Life

Almost all of us dreamed of getting married and to be united with an individual. Reasons of getting married vary in every individual, some for legal, social and/or financial stability, to have their own family and/or public declaration of love. But generally marriage is considered as an institution in which interpersonal relationship are acknowledged.

Married life is a new phase for two individual and a good relationship with your partner is needed to make it work. Unfortunately because of different factors the number of separated or divorce couples increases. Common arguments of married couples are about money, sex, work, children and housework. They should know how to appreciate their good times together and to face the challenges during bad times. Studies said that married couples who expresses their feelings to their partner even if it is anger or frustrations tend to have a longer married life together. It said that in every relationship specifically in married couples open communication is essential.

Here are the top ten ways to keep a strong marriage according to SIXWISE.COM free relationship advice:

  1. Always show affection. Simple gestures of affection like kiss on the cheeks or a “thank you” can keep the spark as a couple.

  2. Keep arguments respectful. Arguments are good as long as it is constructive and you are fair.

  3. Keep an open communication. Along with arguing respectfully, it's important to communicate respectfully. By sharing your thoughts, concerns and ideas regularly, you create an open environment of trust and intimacy.

  4. Be nice to your partner or spouse. Happy couples go out of their way to do nice things for their partner on a regular basis, which will keep the overall marriage positive, rather than negative.

  5. Choose your battles. There are arguments that are considered petty things, unsolvable and not worth it to get upset with and therefore not worth an argument.

  6. Do fun things together.

  7. Laugh together. Make an effort to find some humor -- especially if things are tense -- to keep things positive.

  8. Always show respect. Strong marriages are built on mutual respect.

  9. Do things YOUR way. Here "your" refers to you and your spouse. It's important that together you establish your own traditions, daily rituals and methods for raising your children, taking care of finances, etc. If there is a meddling in-law, sibling or friend who is allowed to interfere, it will undermine the idea of YOUR marriage.

  10. Be empathetic. Make an effort to understand your spouse, hear their concerns, and share their excitement.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Guide to Detoxification

Feeling so tired and unhealthy? Too much toxins in your body can be the cause. Almost every day we accumulate toxins and emotional baggage that poisons the body. And this poisons may came from different chemicals and substances we take like food and drugs and from the everyday stress and conflicts we encounter. Detoxification is the solution to all this.

Detoxification or detox is a process of removal of toxic from the body. Naturally toxins in the body were eliminated through liver, lungs, kidney, intestines, lymph and skin but when the system is compromised, toxins are not properly filtered and removed in the body which causes health issues.

There are different ways of detoxification; it can be artificially by dialysis and chelation therapy or natural detoxification like diet detoxification. There are detoxifying techniques that can be applied daily; here are some detoxifying tips for SIXWISE.COM Free Health Care Advice:
  1. Do regular exercise.
  2. Be careful with the drugs you take.
  3. Eat organic.
  4. Stop smoking
  5. Use natural cleaning products.
  6. Meditate
  7. Have enough rest and sleep
  8. Limit alcohol intake
  9. Switch to natural personal care products
  10. Challenge your mind.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Reality of Premature Aging

Aging is a natural way of life. As we grow old aging is manifested on how we look specifically on the face. But what happens if aging is manifested at early age? It is a premature aging.

Premature aging is a term used to describe an early appearance of aging before old age. It has two types: intrinsic (internal) aging and extrinsic (external) aging. Intrinsic aging is the natural process of aging which occurs as you grow old and involves the following:
  • Collagen production slowing (collagen contributes to skin's firmness)
  • Elastin production decreases (elastin contributes to skin's elasticity)
  • Fat cells begin to disappear (which can lead to sagging skin)
  • Your skin losing its ability to retain moisture
  • Frown lines and "crow's feet" appearing due to small muscle contractions
  • Dead skin cells not being shed as quickly
  • Slightly less turnover of new skin cells
Usually all of these changes start to occur when you are in 20’s and the signs of intrinsic aging are the following:
  • Fine wrinkles
  • Thin and transparent skin
  • Loss of underlying fat, leading to hollowed cheeks and eye sockets as well as noticeable loss of firmness on the hands and neck
  • Bones shrink away from the skin due to bone loss, which causes sagging skin
  • Dry skin that may itch
  • Inability to sweat sufficiently to cool the skin
  • Graying hair that eventually turns white
  • Hair loss
  • Unwanted hair
  • Nail plate thins, the half moons disappear, and ridges develops
On the other hand, the normal aging process becomes a premature aging when external factors often act together. Premature aging usually cause by repetitive facial expressions, sun exposure and smoking.

Here are some Sixwise.com health care tips on how to prevent premature aging:
  1. Avoid smoking. Too much exposure to cigarette smoke will increase the wrinkling and dryness of skin.
  2. Avoid too much exposure to the sun. Too much exposure to the can also cause wrinkling and skin dryness. It can also cause skin cancer.
  3. Have a healthy diet. Having a diet rich in fruits and vegetables will provide you plenty antioxidants which is good for the skin.
  4. Have enough exercise. Exercise tones muscles and helps promote blood flow -- necessary for healthy skin and body.
  5. Avoid too much alcohol. Over time, alcohol can permanently damage blood vessels in the skin, causing you to appear flushed.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Reasons Why Stress is not good for you

Every one of us has its own responsibility in life and that includes managing finances. And knowing that the economy is on the rocks today most of us are having personal finance difficulties. According to reports most stress are related to financial issues.

Stress is a fact of nature wherein an individual reacts with a particular event or circumstances sometimes called as stressor. Experts say that stress can be good or bad. Good stress is that stress that gives you a quick and light impact that can be helpful like for example during emergency situations where a driver has to slam on the breaks to avoid accidents. On the other hand bad stress is that stress that happens continuously or frequently. This stress can actually wear off your body and may cause health problems. Here are some common results of stress:
  • Fatigue
  • Feelings of irritability or anger
  • Lying awake at night
  • Feelings of depression
  • Lack of motivation
And because of stress many are coping with stress in unhealthy ways like overeating, drinking alcohol, too much napping, smoking, and sometimes skipping meals. Instead of giving positive results you will be ending in much worst problems.

In one of the SIXWISE.COM free health and wellness article, they featured Marry Maddux relaxation techniques to cope up with stress:
  1. Stop and “Do Nothing”. Stopping and doing nothing from time to time is a mini relaxation. It will help you reset to keep you going during the day.
  2. Take a Deep Breath. "Take a deep breath" has become a cliché -- you hear it on sitcoms, in conversations, everywhere -- and for good reason. It helps!
  3. Observe the Natural Flow of Your Breath. This is perhaps the easiest way to relax with the breath. Take a break and simply bring your attention to your breathing. Notice how the breath moves in and out, how it feels, how your body moves as you breathe.
  4. Lie Down and Rest.
  5. Stretch. Simple stretching can do wonders.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fight Against Child Obesity

Parents would love to see their children healthy and gain weight as they grow old. And sometimes they have this idea that the bigger the baby or a child is the cuter, the better. But gaining more than the average and need for their growth and development - may lead to child obesity.

Child obesity or overweight is a serious medical condition defined as abnormal fat accumulation that may lead to different health risk. Child obesity usually occurs without the parents knowing it or without realizing that their child is overweight.

And in realty child obesity may lead to numerous health risks like cardiovascular diseases, high blood, childhood diabetes and even cancer. Also obese child has greater chances of being obese when they become adults.

Even though child obesity or overweight may be genetically inherited a change into a healthy lifestyle may prevent or reverse this. As parents you can guide your children for a healthier lifestyle. You can make changes that will help your child lose weight gradually. Being supportive and being a role for the changes you want to implement is also important. And also keep in mind that they still children don’t push them too hard, make changes slowly.

Sixwise.com Child Health Care, sum up simple changes that you can implement for better health of you children and family:

  1. Eat meals together as a family
  2. Decrease the time your child watches TV and plays video games or spends at the computer
  3. Avoid using food as a reward
  4. Use healthy foods as snacks
  5. Encourage your child to do active things like going for walks, walking the dog, washing the car, playing sports or tag with friends, etc.
  6. Limit fast food meals
  7. Include more nutritious meals in your family's daily diet (try the recipes in Alive in 5: Raw Gourmet Meals in Five Minutes for some delicious (and fast!) ideas)
  8. Eliminate sweetened drinks like soda from your house
  9. Plan your meals for the week so you don't end up going for take-out at the last minute
  10. Pack a healthy lunch for your child to take to school

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Good Things about Eating Raw Food

As the world continues to evolve with better technologies, mankind became more exposed on different free radicals and pollution that cause different diseases. And this could be the reason why the number of health conscious is increasing.

In the US alone many are already advocating raw foodism. Raw foodism or rawism is a lifestyle where 60% - 100% of the food consumption is un-cooked, un-processed and mostly organic. The most popular raw food diet is the raw veganism or raw vegetarianism. However there are also raw foodist who eats raw meat and eggs.

According to studies and by Karyn Calabres, a well-known raw foodist in Chicago, enzymes are needed for every metabolic process in the body and the enzymes found in foods you eat are destroyed when you cook food. Many adherents of raw foodism believe that consumption of uncooked foods encourages weight loss and prevents and/or heals many forms of sickness and chronic diseases.

Also according to Jakob Bohme in one of his writings that the doctrine of signatures refers to the notion that God marked objects with a sign or "signature" revealing their true purpose. Here are some raw foods that reveal their uses from SIXWISE.COM Free Health and Wellness Newsletter:
  • Sliced Carrots:

  • They look like the human eye (complete with pupil, iris and radiating lines), and research shows carrots enhance blood flow and function of the eyes.

  • Walnuts:

  • These wrinkly nuts look like little brains, which makes sense considering walnuts help develop more than three dozen neurotransmitters for brain function, and are a rich source of brain-healthy omega-3 fats.

  • Grapes:

  • A cluster of grapes is shaped like your heart, and each grape could be a blood cell. Science shows that grapes are nourishing for your heart and blood.

  • Kidney Beans:

  • Of course these look like your kidneys, and they contain nutrients that can help maintain and heal kidney function. Kidney beans are also an excellent source of the trace mineral, molybdenum. This mineral helps detoxify sulfites, a type of preservative added to many foods (and to which many people are sensitive), from the body.

  • Tomatoes:

  • Like your heart, a tomato has four chambers and is red. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is excellent for your heart.

  • Avocadoes, Eggplant and Pears:

  • Ever notice how these raw foods resemble a woman's womb and cervix? Well eating one avocado a week has been found to help balance hormones, prevent cervical cancer and help women shed birth weight. Ironically, it also takes nine months for an avocado to grow from blossom to ripened fruit.

  • Celery, Bok Choy and Rhubarb:

  • These and other rigged, ribbed veggies resemble your bones. They are also 23 percent sodium -- just like your bones -- which is important since your body will pull sodium from your bones if it doesn't get enough from your diet.
Many raw food diets are easy to prepare like salads, fruits, meat and dairy. There are some foods that require planning to prepare for eating. Rice and some grains require sprouting or overnight soaking to become digestible. And if preparing for gourmet recipes for raw food usually needs blender, food processor, juicer or dehydrator.

Friday, November 7, 2008

How bad is Broken Heart?

Did you ever felt bad about family situations, relationships and career with severe chest pains? If yes, maybe you are having a broken heart syndrome.

Broken heart syndrome or “Heart break” is a common term for stress cardiomyopathy, it is used to relate intense emotional pain or suffering after distressing situations. Situations like traumatic romantic breakup, shock of a surprise party or death of a loved one may trigger broken heart syndrome. A flood of stress hormones are unleashed, taking a drastic toll on the heart that mimic heart attack which can be life threatening.

The difference with heart attack and broken heart is that broken heart syndrome recovery happens within few days and is completely recovered within two weeks time.

Symptoms of a "broken heart" can manifest themselves through psychological pain but for many the effect is physical following is a list of common symptoms that occur:

  • A perceived tightness of the chest, similar to an anxiety attack
  • Stomach ache and/or loss of appetite
  • Partial or complete insomnia
  • Anger
  • Shock
  • Nostalgia
  • Apathy (loss of interest)
  • Feelings of loneliness
According to the experts preventing broken heart is easy. You have to know the how broken heart syndrome occurs. You must live a healthy lifestyle and you must learn how to control too much emotion especially when unwanted situations and unforeseeable stress occur. And for those who are recovering from broken heart, it is suggested that they should take a rest and drink plenty of fluids and keep their selves busy like exercising , it will not only keep your body health but also your mind healthy.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

11 Ways in Finding your Dream Career

Career is a term commonly used as an individual’s course or progress of through life and usually considered to pertain to remunerative work. It was said if you love your job and contented with it then it is safe to say that you are in the right career path.

But how can you really say that you are in the right career path? And how can you find your dream job? In Sixwise Career Advice Newsletter, identified 11 ways on how to find dream job:

  1. Know your skills, talents and hobbies.
  2. Whether it is something you've learned to do, or something you're uniquely talented at doing, your skills and talents should be a part of your dream job. Also, don't overlook your hobbies, or things you love to do, as an important part of this list.

  3. Know your values?
  4. You must answer this question to accurately find your dream job. Do you value helping others over all else? Or do you value having time to spend with your family? How about money? Where does that fit in to your value system? Chances are that your values will encompass a number of different things. If you're having trouble identifying which values are most important to you, you should rank them using a 5-point scale (0 = not important at all, 5 = most important).
  5. Determine how much training you're willing to put in.

  6. Perhaps you've always dreamed of defending a client in a high-profile court trial, but know that law school is not for you. Or, you'd like to work with cars, but don't have the technical training to do it. As you start to nail down the types of jobs you may like, you'll need to know how much upfront and ongoing education/training they require -- along with how much you're willing to put in.
  7. How much money do you want to make?

  8. This should be partly answered for you already under "what are your values." If part of your dream job is earning six-figures or more, make note of it. Likewise, if you're content to just get by, as long as you're doing what you love, keep this in mind too.
  9. Location, location, location.

  10. Realistically speaking, are you willing to leave your current location to take on your dream career? If you've always wanted to be a farmer, are you willing to sacrifice your love of chic urban eateries? Meanwhile, how far are you willing to commute (or do you want a job you can ride your bike too)? Travel is also something to think about: Does the thought of traveling for your career excite you, or would you rather stay close to home?
  11. Workaholic or Family-Oriented?

  12. Not that the two can't go hand-in-hand with a little bit of tenacity, however most people find that they lean toward one or the other. Is work the most important thing to you, and you're willing to put in 70-hour weeks? Or do want a flexible schedule that allows you more time to spend with the kids?
  13. Determine Your Career Personality.

  14. This free career test will help you determine what type of career you are best suited for based on your dominant character traits, your interests, and the way you approach work. Keep your career personality in mind as you compose your list of dream careers.
  15. Compile Your Information.

  16. You've thought about it in your head and have a vague idea of your values, skills, desires, etc. Now, write it all down. Peruse your list of what you're looking for, and what you're not … let it sink in.
  17. Identify Your Dream Career.

  18. Based on your dream, identify careers that you believe would make you truly happy. Search online, ask your family, friends and neighbors, and choose your dream job.
  19. Get Your Dream Career.

  20. You've already made it through the hardest part for many: identifying your dream job. Now you just have to find it. How? Keep your eyes and ears open for anything related to your dream job. Attend industry trade shows, read their magazines, network with anyone you can within the field, and hand your resume out unashamedly at job fairs. If your dream is to start your own business, this applies to you too. Make friends with other business owners and soak in all the advice they have to offer.
  21. Stick With It!

  22. Finally finding a career you love will be well worth the hours, days and months spent searching for it. If you find that certain hurdles are keeping you from moving out of your old job and into the new (i.e., debts to pay off, school to complete, family matters), devise a strategy to overcome each of them, one at a time. Remember, you are working toward a dream, and nothing should stop you from seeing that that dream comes true.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Understanding Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress is caused by an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen and a biological system's ability to readily detoxify the reactive intermediates or easily repair the resulting damage. It is also involved in aging and chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

Normally free radicals are present in our system and even the healthiest person has it. It is usually kept wrap under in the body where they cannot cause harm to the body but when it exist in the body in excess then the harmful condition known as oxidative stress occurs.
Free radicals may take over your body in two ways; one is that you are exposed on abundance of them due to environmental pollutants and toxins like cigarette smoke, alcohol, air pollution and radiation, and the other one is that your body is lacking of health compounds like antioxidants that fights free radicals.

In one of the free newsletter issues of SIXWISE.COM Health and Wellness here are some tips on how to fight free radicals:
  1. Eat an antioxidant-rich diet.
    Anti-oxidants help prevent oxidation. And eating healthy diet life fruits, vegetables and nuts and other anti-oxidant foods is helpful.

  2. Exercise sensibly.
    Exercise enhances the body's ability to handle stress more than it harms the body through stress.

  3. Consider chiropractic wellness care.
    Chiropractic care appears to improve the ability of the body to adapt to stress.

  4. Take time to relax.
    A stressful, anxiety-filled daily routine will wear you down, no matter how healthy your lifestyle