Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fight Against Child Obesity

Parents would love to see their children healthy and gain weight as they grow old. And sometimes they have this idea that the bigger the baby or a child is the cuter, the better. But gaining more than the average and need for their growth and development - may lead to child obesity.

Child obesity or overweight is a serious medical condition defined as abnormal fat accumulation that may lead to different health risk. Child obesity usually occurs without the parents knowing it or without realizing that their child is overweight.

And in realty child obesity may lead to numerous health risks like cardiovascular diseases, high blood, childhood diabetes and even cancer. Also obese child has greater chances of being obese when they become adults.

Even though child obesity or overweight may be genetically inherited a change into a healthy lifestyle may prevent or reverse this. As parents you can guide your children for a healthier lifestyle. You can make changes that will help your child lose weight gradually. Being supportive and being a role for the changes you want to implement is also important. And also keep in mind that they still children don’t push them too hard, make changes slowly. Child Health Care, sum up simple changes that you can implement for better health of you children and family:

  1. Eat meals together as a family
  2. Decrease the time your child watches TV and plays video games or spends at the computer
  3. Avoid using food as a reward
  4. Use healthy foods as snacks
  5. Encourage your child to do active things like going for walks, walking the dog, washing the car, playing sports or tag with friends, etc.
  6. Limit fast food meals
  7. Include more nutritious meals in your family's daily diet (try the recipes in Alive in 5: Raw Gourmet Meals in Five Minutes for some delicious (and fast!) ideas)
  8. Eliminate sweetened drinks like soda from your house
  9. Plan your meals for the week so you don't end up going for take-out at the last minute
  10. Pack a healthy lunch for your child to take to school

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