Sunday, December 21, 2008

Foods to Avoid Due to High Toxin

Naturally foods contain chemicals that are essential for growth and health. But even the most naturally grown food still has natural toxins that can be harmful when consume repeatedly in large amounts.
Here are some of foods that are generally healthy and good to eat but can be harmful because of the toxins it contains:
  • Peanuts and peanut butter

  • Peanuts are legumes that grown underground as part of a root system. And because of its direct contact on the soil makes it dangerous and harmful to the health. The change in the surrounding of the peanut produces fungus which releases a toxic substance called “aflatoxin”. This substance is considered as a cancer-causing agent that usually attacks the liver.
  • Potatoes

  • Potatoes contains natural toxin called “glycoalkaloids”. A high level of this toxin is usually found in green potatoes (potatoes that are exposed to UV light), potato sprouts, a lot of bruising and potatoes with bitter taste. Glycoalkaloids can cause severe stomachache and even death, in rare cases, and it's not destroyed by cooking. You can enjoy potatoes safely by avoiding any sprouts, green or damaged parts, or bitter-tasting portions.
  • Rhubarb

  • Rhubarb is considered as a wonderful plant. It contains a naturally occurring oxalic acid. The levels differ depending on the age of the plant, climate, season and the type of soil. Oxalic acid poisoning can cause muscle twitching, cramps, decreased breathing and heart action, vomiting, pain, headache, convulsions and coma.
  • Kidney Beans

  • Eating just four to five raw kidney beans can cause severe stomachache, diarrhea and vomiting because of toxins called lectins. These toxins can also disrupt cellular metabolism. To get rid of the toxin, soak raw beans for at least five hour, and then boil them for at least 10 minutes.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Risk of Having Routine Work Everyday

What are the usual things you do during weekdays, prepare to work, go home, dinner and watch TV? And how about weekends… almost the same variation? You are doing a repressive routine.
Settling into the same routines that are too easy and comfortable for you for a long period of time may give you bad effects. You can put your emotional and physical strife at risk. Here are some of the risks of doing repressive routines:

1. Boredom
According to studies pathological boredom occurs when a person’s drive and desires are repressed. And it is said that if you are bored, you are at risk on anxiety, depression, addiction and even poor performance at school or at work.

2. Laziness
It said that humans are naturally productive and have a desire to be productive but by the time a repressive routine occurs, you may lose the natural motivation.

3. Brain Drain
By the time you are doing things that are repressive, you tend to lose your enthusiasm and brain activity becomes less, which is not helpful and sometimes causes brain drain.

Meanwhile, staying involved in new activities is an excellent way to increase your personal fulfillment in life and:

• Increase your social interaction and sense of belonging
• Foster your creativity and talents
• Offset monotony and boredom
• Help you realize your life's purpose

Monday, December 15, 2008

How to Prevent having Holiday Stress?

Holiday season is just around the corner, a season for get together, reunions and gift giving. And it is also a time where most of the people get tired and feel stressed. According to WebMD, an approximate of 2 million Americans end-up feeling tired during this season and still increasing.

Many of us considered this season as one of the joyous time of the year but it is also common that many of us is forced to deprive from sleep even for weeks. And most common reasons are the following:
  • Remembering the loss of loved ones
  • Financial concerns
  • Scheduling too many activities
  • Family issues

And as a result of sleepless nights is fatigue. It can seriously interfere with your ability to enjoy this special time of year. You have to respect your body when it needs some time rest, is the best way to keep you going and keep your energy strong. But for times that you need an extra boost on your energy here are some tips from SIXWISE.COM Free Health and Wellness Newsletter:
  1. Drink more water. If you get dehydrated, it will make you feel sluggish. Be sure to avoid BPA and toxins in your water as well.
  2. Eat these eight delicious energy-boosting foods. Eating foods like lean beef /chicken, black beans, seaweeds and almonds are common energy boosting food.
  3. Limit your caffeine intake. Too much coffee or caffeinated soda will actually tire you out in the long run (about one cup a day is ok).
  4. Listen to your stomach. If you’re hungry, eat something. Otherwise your blood sugar levels will fall, along with your energy.
  5. Exercise. Though it sounds ironic, putting out the energy to work out will give you more energy and make your daily tasks easier.
  6. Tend to your emotions. Worry, anxiety, stress and other negative emotions will drain your energy -- fast. Even positive emotions like excitement and anticipation can wear you down energy-wise. So make sure you take time every day to calm your mind and relax.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Good and Bad of Tanning Beds

Feeling dull because of the cold weather? Craving for that bronze color skin but can’t go to the beach and enjoy the sun? What will you do? Would you consider artificial tanning?
Nowadays, especially in the US artificial tanning turns to be an option during winter and for those who loves to enjoy bronze color. Tanning has become a good earning industry in the US and based on the reports in last 25 years indoor tanner already increased by more than a 100 percent. And the most common artificial tanners are the tanning beds.

Tanning bed or sunbed is a device emitting ultraviolet radiation used to produce cosmetic tan. Tanning either natural or artificial in general, aids in the production of Vitamin D in the skin. Vitamin D is important for a number of human functions, like promotion of healthy bones. Also tanning makes a person feel good. According to research this is because of the increase in the endorphin levels. A controversial benefit of artificial tanning rather than tanning outside also arises, it is the amount of control the tanner has. A person has control to the amount of UV and control on the period of exposure.

Knowing all of these benefits may lead to tanning addiction. It is a rare condition which is due to several psychological conditions. And according to studies, the feeling of relaxation and less tense mood after the UV exposure than without exposure is one of the reason of addiction. Some Americans may be addicted to tanning -- to the point where they feel withdrawal symptoms if they go too long without it.

Over doing things specifically tanning has bad effects too. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), exposure to UV light, either from the sun or a tanning bed, is a risk factor for skin cancer. Short-wavelength UVB light has been found to be carcinogenic in animals, and longer wavelength UVA, which penetrates the skin more deeply and is used in tanning beds, may also contribute to cancer. It also said that women who regularly used tanning bed had a greater risk of malignant melanoma, eye problems and suppression of immune system.

Monday, December 8, 2008

How to stop the Birth of a Unwanted Blemish?

Having problems with your skin? Imperfections like acne and pimples. Acne vulgaris or commonly known as acne is skin disease caused by the changes in the skin structures consisting of follicles and other gland, wherein the hair follicles under the skin is clogged. This skin problem is common in teenagers and young adults. It is not a serious skin disease but it can cause scars that may cause decrease in self-confidence.

Acne affects almost everyone and considered as one of the widespread medical conditions in the world. But unfortunately acne has no cure. And because of this fact the best way to manage acne is to know the cause and do preventive measures. It should be kept in mind especially by the teenagers that acne is not your fault and it is caused by a combination of factors at work beneath the surface of the face, factors like production of excess oil in the skin, skin cells and accumulation of bacteria. These factors are triggered by the following:
  • Hormones: Particularly during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.
  • Certain medications: Anticonvulsants, corticosteroids, sobriety drugs and certain birth control pills (those that contain only progestins) may cause acne.
  • Family history of acne
  • Stress: When you're under stress, your body produces more androgens (a type of hormone). These hormones stimulate the oil glands in your skin, which can lead to acne.
  • Personal care products: Oily lotions, sunscreens or hair products can cause acne.
Prevention is better than cure as we know it; here are some tips from Sixwise Child Health Care and Skin Care Tips to guide you how to avoid acne:
  1. Wash your face twice a day, gently with a mild facial cleanser and as much as possible use only natural skin care product. This will remove excess oil and dead skin cells.
  2. Don't scrub your skin vigorously, as this can cause irritation that makes acne worse.
  3. Women, don't go to sleep with your makeup on, as this can clog your pores and contribute to acne.
  4. If you already have acne, over-the-counter acne products that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid may help.
  5. Don't pick or squeeze any existing blemishes, as this can cause infection or scarring.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Guide on How to Win a Job Interview

After preparing your resumes and sending out you applications to your prospect employer, a job interview comes next. It is a process in wherein you as a potential employee will be evaluated by an employer for prospective employment. A set of questions will be asked to you by the employer to assess your skills and knowledge. But how ready are you for this job interview?

It is best that you are well prepared before going to an interview. Going to an interview ready can give you an edge over the competition, and a bit of confidence and peace of mind. Here are some things that you need to do before going to an interview:
  1. Research about the company. Knowing the products and services offered by the company can be an advantage to you in a sense you’re giving an impression to your interviewer that you are really interested with the company and you already have an idea how you can contribute for the growth of the company.
  2. Plan you schedule. Arriving late at your scheduled interview is not a good idea. As much as possible know the exact location of the office where you will be interviewed and plan your route so that you will arrive 15 minutes before the schedule. Less hassle and less pressure for you.
  3. Dress appropriately. Dress a notch above your day-to-day work attire. It is advice that men and women should wear their business attire.
  4. Rehearse and Prepare. Prepare a list of questions that you think the interviewer will ask you and prepare and answer for it.
Here are some tough interview questions from SIXWISE.COM Expert Career Advice:
  • Tell me about yourself.
  • It may sound easy but you might end up bubble for nothing. Stick to your academic background, your professional highlights and future career goals (including your desire to work at said company) -- and keep it short.
  • Why do you want to work here?
  • This question has a definite hidden agenda (as do many interview questions): did you do your homework about the company? Highlight some reasons why the company is poised in a good position in the industry and offers you a unique opportunity that others do not. You can also explain that part of the reason you want to work there is because your qualifications so perfectly match their needs (and expand on how).
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • Be honest and explain vulnerabilities but be sure that you know how to counter it. You already have ways to overcome it.
  • Do you have any questions for me?
  • Saying “NO” to this question shows that you lack interest and curiosity about the company. You can prepare a list of questions relating to benefits, work schedules, responsibilities and policies.

Monday, December 1, 2008

What are the benefits of YOGA to the body?

In Sanskrit an ancient Indian language, the term Yoga refers to a union. It is said to be the oldest defined practice of self development, a practice of physical posture or poses. Yoga is more than a stretching; it is about creating balance in the body by developing both strength and flexibility. But how can yoga affect the body?
Yoga brings together the mind, body and soul that is why it has a lot of health benefits. Here are some health benefits of YOGA:
  • reduced stress
  • sound sleep
  • reduced cortisol levels
  • improvement of many medical conditions
  • allergy and asthma symptom relief
  • lower blood pressure
  • smoking cessation help
  • lower heart rate
  • spiritual growth
  • sense of well-being
  • reduced anxiety and muscle tension
  • increased strength and flexibility
  • slowed aging process
Yoga is something that is worth a try for your health and wellness though we have to make sure that we have a good understanding on what type of yoga suits you well as well the benefits it can give you. Here are some of the types of yoga with a short description:
  1. Hatha: One of the most popular types of yoga (if not THE most popular), hatha yoga is meant to achieve balance between the mind and body. It includes traditional yoga postures for all levels, and is often a general term used to describe a collection of yoga styles. (Many of the types of yoga below are derived from hatha yoga.)
  2. Dru: A series of poses are performed to help you find your inner tranquility and strength, as well as improve your well-being.
  3. Bikram: A series of 26 poses are performed in a heated room (the temperature can be anywhere from 90-100 degrees F) to make your body sweat. The heat in the room100 degrees F) to make your body sweat. The heat in the room is meant to increase your body's flexibility, reduce the risk of injury and help you to detoxify.
  4. Anusara: Meaning literally "to step into the current of divine will," anusara is meant to promote awareness and well-being along with body alignment.
  5. Integral: A gentle form of hatha yoga that emphasizes breathing, chanting, meditation and purifying the body's energy channels.