Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What is Postpartum Depression and Baby Blues

Child birth is a joyous event for most women. Because of the fact that you are able to carry a life your womb . But there are cases that not all new mom felt happy and excited about this. Some women felt sad, anxious, afraid or sometimes angry.

Baby blues and Postpartum depression is a form of clinical depression which usually occurs to women after child birth . And an estimate of 10% of new moms experiences this kind of depression. The difference with postpartum and baby blues is that postpartum is the severe case of baby blues and needs doctor attention and counseling. Baby blues happen right after child birth and only last a few days. New mom can have sudden change in mood, sadness, loss of appetite. And on the other hand postpartum depression can happen anytime within the first year after birth. The usual symptoms are sadness, lack of energy, trouble concentrating, anxiety, and feelings of guilt and worthlessness.

You can easily cope with baby blues as long as the signs are mild and short live. Here are some tips from Sixwise Healthy Family Guide on how to manage baby blues:

1. Takea rest as often as you can. Even short naps can be beneficial.
2. Cry if you need to.
3. Don't judge yourself for how you're feeling. It's normal!
4. Talk to your husband , family and friends about how you're feeling. You can also join a new mom’s support group to talk to others going through a similar transition.
5. Ask for help when you need it, and accept help when others offer it.
6. Keep visitors to a minimum.
7. Prioritize what has to be done versus what can wait to be done (i.e. don't try to do everything you used to do immediately). It's OK to take a nap while the baby is sleeping instead of keeping up with the dishes. You don't have to be Supermom.
8. Eat plenty of healthy foods regularly throughout the day, as it's been found that low blood sugar can make your symptoms worse.
9. Exercise. It's a natural mood booster.
10. Try to find a few minutes a day to relax . Reading, taking a bath, meditating or listening to some music -- even for 15 minutes -- will help you feel better.
11. Keep a diary of your feelings.

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